Nose PiercingPiercing

Piercing Nose Piercing types

Nose piercing types, The nose is a popular organ for piercing.

Septum Piercing

The septum piercing (septum = Latin for nasal septum) is pierced through the connective tissue under the nasal septum cartilage (septum is derived from the Latin “septum nasi” for nasal septum). It is one of the most common nose piercing types of all. It was worn in earlier cultures such as the Native Americans and thus expressed social rank in the group. Even today it plays an important role in many cultures.   Rings and circular barbells (horseshoe-shaped jewelry with two balls), but also straight and curved bars can be used for this piercing . The advantage of a circula or a banana is that the piercing can be turned inwards and thus made almost invisible. The healing time for a septum is between 1 and 3 months.

If you don’t want to get a septum pierced, you can wear a fake piercing in your septum. To do this, simply bend an open ring in the septum area: the piercing is ready! Discover a very large selection of fake piercings and piercing jewelry for septum piercings in the Modern Nature Piercing Shop.

Septril piercing

An extension of the septum piercing is the septril piercing. An existing septum piercing is stretched and then fitted with a labret on the inside. The outer screwed-on ball (preferably with a glitter stone) is then located below the tip of the nose, in the middle of the two nostrils.

Nostril piercing

The Nostril piercing is very popular and is pierced through the left or right nostril. Curved nose studs ,  straight studs with stoppers, labrets and rings serve as  jewelry for the nostril . These can be decorated with glitter stones or have a beautiful motif. Very fine piercing jewelry with a thickness of 0.6 mm is also popular and is available in various materials from the Modern Nature online shop. The healing time for the nostril is between 3 weeks and 3 months. Nostril piercings are very popular in many cultures. First developed in the Middle East around 4000 years ago, it came to India in the 16th century. There the stud is often worn on the left. This is based on the wisdom of Ayurvedic medicine and is said to make childbirth easier nose piercing types.

But be careful when piercing the nostril! There are still people who use an ear piercing gun to pierce the nostril. This procedure tears the tissue and results in inflammation and longer healing times. So never let anyone use an ear piercing gun on your nose piercing (or any other piercing)!!!

Bridge piercings can also be referred to as surface piercings . Bridge piercings are pierced on the upper bridge of the nose, between the eyes. They are difficult to pierce because they must not restrict the field of vision and facial nerves can be injured during piercing. Straight and curved bars are used as jewelry. Unfortunately, bridge piercings tend to grow out, even after a long time. The healing time is between 3 and 8 months.

Vertical Bridge Piercing

The bridge piercing can also be pierced vertically from top to bottom and is then called a vertical bridge or third eye. The vertical bridge is a surface piercing for which a surface bar is usually used as jewelry. The healing time is, as with the bridge piercing, between 3 and 8 months.

Nasallang Piercing

A very rare piercing is the nasallang piercing. This is pierced through both nostrils and the nasal septum. Two nostril piercings are connected with a high septum piercing. All piercings are on one level and are connected to one piercing with a barbell . It is recommended not to pierce the nasallang all at once but in several steps. It is best to get two nostril piercings first, which are then later extended to form the nasallang with the septum piercing. This piercing method originally comes from India and testified to the warlike bravery of men.

Austin Bar

A rare piercing through the tip of the nose is the Austin Bar, which is also a surface piercing . Unlike the nasallang, it does not run through the nostrils and the nasal septum, but rather horizontally through the front cartilage cap. A straight bar is usually used as jewelry for the Austin Bar. Healing usually takes between 1 and 3 months.

Rhino piercing

The variant of the Austin Bar that runs vertically through the tip of the nose is called a rhino piercing. Named after the rhinoceros, whose appearance it imitates. A barbell or a curved bar is usually used as piercing jewelry. Healing usually takes 2 to 3 months. Sometimes a single nose tip piercing is also called a rhino piercing. A dermal anchor is used for a single point piercing on the tip of the nose . Read more about nose piercing types