Nose Piercing

Inserting and removing your nose stud

Getting a new nose stud can be a fun way to change up your appearance, but inserting and removing your nose stud can be painful at times. No matter what type of nose studs you use, it’s important to know how to do it right to make it as easy and painless as possible. Depending on what style of nose ring you have, follow one of these methods to properly remove or insert a nose stud.

nose stud
nose stud

Insert and remove an L-shaped nose stud

Wash your hands, your nose, and the nose stud!

Whenever you change a piercing, start by washing your hands. You don’t want to get any bacteria or infection in a piercing. Wash the area around your nose stud, whether you have a stud in it or not. [1] Also, wash the nose stud yourself.

  • It’s really important to clean the piece of metal you put in your body. Germs on the plug could be transferred directly into your nose, so make sure the plug is clean.
  • It’s a good idea to use a saline solution or a mild antiseptic solution to make sure the area is really clean, but you can also use hydrogen peroxide or plain soap. Either way, make sure the cleaner is washed off and the connector is dry before inserting it.

Insert your L-shaped nose stud.

An L-shaped nose stud is a simple piece of metal with a decorative end and a 90-degree angle at the other end. To use it, you must first find the hole in your nose. Push the end of the stud, the end opposite the decorative end, into the hole, being careful to be careful that the stud goes all the way through to the other side of the hole. Once you’re sure the end of the stud went through to the other side (you can feel the inside of your nose to make sure it did), gently push the rest of the stud in and angle the stud to get the curved part of it through the hole.

  • Do this slowly and just push a little bit at a time.
  • The L-shaped nose stud is fully inserted when the decorative end of the stud is against the outside of your nose.

Check if it’s in properly.

To make sure you’ve inserted your nose stud correctly, lift your nostril slightly and look in the mirror. You should be able to see the end of the L-shaped plug up your nose. The end that’s inside your nose should be pointing straight up or down, depending on your preference, and you shouldn’t be able to feel it. If you can feel it, or it’s just uncomfortable, readjust its position.

  • L-shaped nose studs are easy to insert, but that also means they can come out of your nose fairly easily. Be aware of this and be careful not to let it fall out or your piercing will close up.

Take out your L-shaped nose stud.

Taking out your L-shaped stud is easy if you remember that the stud is bent at a 90-degree angle in your nosey. This means that if you pull it out of your nose while holding the decorative end, you’ll have to angle it down to get the curved part through your piercing hole. Once the curved portion is through, you can easily remove your stud.

  • Remember to take your time as a nose piercing can be sensitive to pressure and force.
  • Again, make sure your hands and the area around the piercing are clean before handling your nose stud!
nose stud
nose stud cost

Insert and remove a corkscrew-style nose stud

Wash your hands, your nose, and the nose stud!

Whenever you change a piercing, start by washing your hands. You don’t want to get any bacteria or infection in a piercing. Wash the area around your nose stud, whether you have a stud in it or not. Also, wash the nose stud itself.

  • It’s really important to clean the piece of metal you put in your body. Germs on the plug could be transferred directly into your nose, so make sure the plug is clean.
  • It’s a good idea to use a saline solution or a mild antiseptic solution to make sure the area is really clean, but you can also use hydrogen peroxide or plain soap. Either way, make sure the cleaner is washed off and the connector is dry before inserting it.

Insert your nose stud corkscrew style.

A corkscrew-style plug is a simple piece of metal with a decorative end twisted toward the other end in a loose spiral. It can be a bit more difficult to insert than other types of nose studs because it’s twisted into an unusual shape.

  • To use it, you must first find the hole in your nose. Push the end of the stud, the end opposite the decorative end, into the hole, being careful to be careful that the stud goes all the way through to the other side of the hole.
  • When you’re sure the end of the stud has gone through to the other side (you can feel the inside of your nose to make sure it has), slowly push in a little more of the stud while you’re pulling the turn the connector at the same time so that the spiral wire flows into the hole.
  • The corkscrew-style nose stud is fully inserted when the decorative end of the stud is against the outside of your nose.

Check if it’s in properly.

To make sure you’ve inserted your nose stud correctly, lift your nostril slightly and look in the mirror. You should be able to see the end of the corkscrew plug up your nose. The end should be positioned so that you are unable to feel it. If you can feel it poking your nose, readjust its position.

Take out your nose stud corkscrew style.

Taking the plug out of your nose is easy if you remember that the plug inside your nose is shaped like a spiral. Begin pulling it out by holding the decorative end and letting the plug twist naturally as it comes out. It’s easiest if you hold the decorative end loosely and allow the plug to twist naturally as it comes out. Needless to force it, it only hurts in the end.

  • Just like inserting the stud, remember to have clean hands and a clean area around the nose stud!

Insert and remove a ring nose stud

Wash your hands, your nose, and the nose stud!

Whenever you change a piercing, start by washing your hands. You don’t want to get any bacteria or infection in a piercing. Wash the area around your nose stud, whether you have a stud in it or not. Also, wash the ring stud itself.

  • It’s really important to clean the piece of metal you put in your body. Germs on the plug could be transferred directly into your nose, so make sure the plug is clean.
  • It’s a good idea to use a saline solution or a mild antiseptic solution to make sure the area is really clean, but you can also use hydrogen peroxide or plain soap. Either way, make sure the cleaner is washed off and the connector is dry before inserting it.

Insert your ring stud.

A ring nose stud is a simple piece of wire shaped into a circle with a small gap between the ends of the wire. To insert it, slide the opening in the ring over your nostril, take one of the ends of the ring, and insert it into your nose. The goal is to put the end of the wire that is in your nose through the piercing, inside out. This may require some fiddling with the ring, but you should be able to stick it through the hole, being careful to be careful and that the plug goes all the way to the other side of the hole. Gently twist the ring through your piercing until the opening of the circle is at the bottom of your nose.

  • There are several different types of ring nose studs, those that close the gap with a bead and those that have a ball at one end of the gap that holds the ring in your nose. Either way, putting the ring in and taking it out is similar.
  • If you have a bead attachment, you will need to slide it into place between the two ends of the ring. If you have the other style, just keep twisting your nose ring until the ball at the end is up against the inside of your nose.

Check if it’s in properly.

 With a ring nose stud, this should be obvious. If it’s comfortable and feels firm, you’ve done it right.

Take out your ring nose stud.

Taking the stud out of your nose is no different than moving the ring around until the end comes out of the piercing, and then sliding it down and out of your nose. Allow the plug to naturally move as it comes out. Needless to force it, it only hurts in the end.

  • Just like inserting the stud, remember to have clean hands and a clean area around the nose stud!
  • If you are purchasing a ring nose stud, remember that the diameter of the ring must be at least as long as the distance between your nose piercing and the bottom of your nostril in order for it to fit easily around your nostril.

Insert and remove a nose bone style

Wash your hands, your nose, and the nose stud!

Whenever you change a piercing, start by washing your hands. You don’t want to get any bacteria or infection in a piercing. Wash the area around your nose stud, whether you have a stud in it or not. Also, wash the stud itself.

  • It’s really important to clean the piece of metal you put in your body. Germs on the plug could be transferred directly into your nose, so make sure the plug is clean.
  • It’s a good idea to use a saline solution or a mild antiseptic solution to make sure the area is really clean, but you can also use hydrogen peroxide or plain soap. Either way, make sure the cleaner is washed off and the connector is dry before inserting it.

Insert your bone-style nose stud.

A bone-type stud is a straight piece of metal with a decorative part on one end and a small metal nub on the other end. To use it, you must first find the hole in your nose. Push the round end of the stud, the opposite end of the decorative end, into the hole, being careful to be careful and that the stud goes straight through to the other side of the hole.

  • You may have to hold your nostril tight with your other hand to get the small ball through the opening. This can definitely be a little uncomfortable, and for a lot of people, it’s a little painful.
  • Do this slowly and just push a little bit at a time. You’ll know the stud is through to the other side when the decorative end of the stud is against the outside of your nose.

Check if it’s in properly.

To make sure you’ve inserted your nose stud correctly, lift your nostril slightly and look in the mirror. You should be able to see the end of the plug up your nose. Turn it around a bit to make sure it’s a good fit. If you can feel it, or it’s just uncomfortable, readjust the position.

  • Bone-type nose studs are easy to insert, but that also means they can come out of your nose fairly easily. Be aware of this and be careful not to let it fall out or your piercing could close up.

Take out your bone-style nose stud.

Taking out your stud is easy, but a bit uncomfortable. Pull it straight out of your nose while holding the decorative end with one hand and tightening your nostril with the other hand.

  • Make sure to do this carefully, as pulling the bulge through your piercing can be uncomfortable. Remember to take your time as a nose piercing can be sensitive to pressure and force.
  • Again, make sure your hands and the area around the piercing are clean before handling your nose stud!


  • Be sure to purchase a good, quality nose stud. If you can afford it, buy studs made from precious metals and avoid cheap nose studs.
  • Each type of nose stud comes in a range of diameters and sizes. Your piercing should start with a relatively small metal diameter (called gauge). If you want to increase the thickness of your piercing, you must do it gradually. It might be a good idea to consult a professional piercer to find out the correct method for your piercing.
  • Nose piercings are not just a fad, but have a long history, especially among Indian women. They are an essential part of the wedding ceremony for many Indian women

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